Once your loan has completed, we will ask you to confirm the set-up of your Direct Debit for the capital/ interest re-payments for your loan.
The following guide shows you the steps to take to set up your Direct Debit.
1. You will receive an email from us asking you to confirm your details. Click on the link provided in the e-mail which will take you to the GB Bank Direct Debit screen asking you to confirm your details, as shown below.
Check that all of the details are correct and we have the correct account name and bank details. Click the tick box to confirm that you can authorise Direct Debits from your bank account yourself.
You can also view your Direct Debit instruction by clicking on View Direct Debit instruction, as show below.
2. Once you have checked your details are correct, click the 'Set up this Direct Debit' button to confirm your instructions and allow GB Bank to set up the Direct Debit as shown below.
3. Once you have submitted your instructions, you will receive confirmation that the Direct Debit has been set up successfully as shown below.
If any of the details are incorrect, please contact your GB Bank Relationship Manager.